Community Stories

Our Community is who we are

100.000+ students from 191 countries connect every day to find support on their journey and help others grow toward a healthy, meaningful, and fulfilled life.

Experience the Ripple Effect of Happiness

Once the techniques help you cultivate happiness within yourself, you automatically brighten up the world of others around you too! That's the ripple effect of happiness. A simple mechanism that keeps our community growing and our students sharing the techniques with others, making this world a better place.

From Exhaustion to Empowerment: How Nathan found more energy to inspire others.

Diogo's Journey: Gaining control, self-acceptance, and spreading kindness.

James's Ocean of Energy Journey: Integrating practices into daily life through a wonderful course.

Unlocking New Depths: Alexander's enhanced Breathwork practice.

From Within: How Breathwork brings happiness and inspiration to Claire's life.

From Insight to Connection: Guillaume's experience with Michaël's teachings.

Years of Breathwork, new insights: How the Instructor Course changed Jay's life.

Tara's Discovery: A course that resonated with confidence and gentleness.

Amanda's Transformation: How the Instructor Course changed her life and inspired her to share her newfound knowledge.

Finding Calm: How structure and effectiveness helped Cynthia relax and transform.

Benjamin's Journey: Breathwork as a catalyst for motivation and growth.

Terrence's Journey: Finding peace, love, and unity with life through the Transformation Course.

From Learner to Leader: How Katie qualified to teach Breathwork.

Aleksandra's Excitement: Teaching life-changing techniques to others.

Finding Happiness: How Bengu embraced structure and self-reconnection.

Tracy's Journey: Life-changing insights from the Breath is Life Course.

Clarity and Calm: Kelly's experience with Michaël's understandable teachings.

Emma's Gratitude: Thankful for the support and feedback from Michaël and the team.

Deepening Understanding: How the Instructor Course expanded Debbie's pranayama knowledge.

A New Direction: How Breathwork filled Helen's life with purpose.

Natasha's Learning Journey: Expanding pranayama knowledge with the Breathwork Instructor Course.